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Herbal Remedies For Dry and Bleeding Cough: Can We Cure Typhoid by Natural Treatments?

A cough is a reflex action that helps to clear the airway of mucus and many irritants. There are two types of cough: one is known as productive, and the other is known as nonproductive. Productive cough produces mucus, and a nonproductive cough is a dry cough that does not produce mucus. Dry cough caused by allergies and acid reflux. Coughing up blood means spitting up blood from the respiratory tract. It is a common condition and has many causes.

Coughing up blood is not like vomiting blood. Blood during the cough often looks bubbly and mixed with the mucus. The blood is red and usually comes in small amounts. During vomiting blood, in large quantities, blood expels from the mouth. Blood cough home treatment by using herbal medicines is very effective. Typhoid is a bacterial infection that can lead to high fever, vomiting, and diarrhea. This infection is passed by contaminated food and drinking water. It is more common in places where handwashing is less frequent. Carriers can pass it on. We can cure typhoid by natural treatments such as by using different herbs.

Herbs for Dry Cough

Following are the two popular home remedies for dry cough that we can use to ease dry cough symptoms:

1.1 Marshmallow root:

It is a type of herb that is used in cough syrup and the preparation of lozenges. It is an effective treatment for throat soothing and helps to reduce irritation caused by dry cough. In addition, marshmallow roots have antibacterial properties.

1.2 Peppermint:

It contains menthol, which helps to numb nerve ending that gets irritated by the cough. Peppermint also helps to reduce congestion. In addition, it has antibacterial and antiviral properties. You can take peppermint in different ways that include in the form of tea or by sucking lozenges. If you drink peppermint tea before going to bed, it can help to ease the nighttime cough. For the aromatherapy treatment, you can use peppermint essential oil.

Herbs for Bleeding Cough

Following are the natural cough remedies that we can use to treat bleeding cough conditions:

2.1 Thyme:

It can be used for medicinal and culinary uses and is commonly used to cough and treat sore throat, digestive issues, etc. For people suffering from acute bronchitis, cough syrup containing thyme and ivy leaves are more effective than other syrups. These herbal plants contain antioxidants that are responsible for their benefits. You can use it by adding 2 tsp of dried thyme into a hot water cup. Steep for 10 minutes before straining and then drink it.

2.2 Slippery elm:

It is the herb that is used to treat coughing and digestive problems. The bark of this herb is very efficient to use. This herb is alkies marshmallow roots and contains a high level of mucilage that can help soothe cough and sore throat problems. You can use it by adding 1 tsp of dried herb to a hot water cup. Steep it at least before 10 minutes of drinking. It can interfere with medication absorption.

Herbs for Typhoid

3.1 Triphala Churan:

It is an essential ayurvedic Churan that shows positive effects on typhoid conditions. This Churan obstructs the growth of bacteria known as Salmonella typhi. It can be available in powder form and tablets.

3.2Typhiod by natural treatments by use of Cloves:

Bacteria cause typhoid, and cloves can fight against that bacteria. In cloves, essential oils are present that have antibacterial properties. Antibacterial properties can help to kill the bacteria and cause typhoid. Typhoid can also cause nausea and vomiting, and it can help to ease the symptoms. You can use it by add cloves to boil water, strain it and drink two cups daily. It is one of the best herbs for typhoid.

3.3 Apple Cider Vinegar:

To maintain proper PH in the body, we can use apple cider vinegar. Reduce body temperature is very effective because it can draw out heat from the skin. During diarrhea, mineral loss occurs. Therefore apple cider vinegar can be used for compensation. You can mix a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar into water, add honey and drink it before meals. Buy apple cider vinegar from any Pansar store.


Many conditions can cause cough, and we can use herbs to treat different kinds of cough. Bleeding cough can be an alarming condition of any chronic disease; therefore, it is important to do hemoptysis treatment at a time. Typhoid caused by the bacteria we can use herbal medicine and diet plays an important role in curing typhoid.

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