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Why cholesterol can be a Killer for You - Top 5 Herbal Products for Cholesterol

High cholesterol is one of the most killing diseases in the world today. There are more and more people dying every year because of this disease. Bad cholesterol levels bring so many symptoms that can restrict you to the house life only. Therefore, there is always a need for something that would treat it and make a difference without side effects. There will be complete information about these in this article that would help you out with treatments too. There will be some most incredible herbal products for cholesterol in this one.

Astragalus, One of Herbal Products for Cholesterol

Astragalus is one of the herbs that can help the immune system. It has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties that experts think may help in high cholesterol treatment.

Flax Seed

Flaxseed is one of the herbs that would help in different issues of the heart. Experts say that it contains alpha-linolenic acid that is a type of omega-3 fatty acid. And the use of this herb can help reduce heart issues.


Experts say that Garlic can help reduce cholesterol levels. Therefore, it can be an effective medicine for cholesterol. And you should try using it for this purpose. But, the experts also say that one should not take Garlic with blood thinners. This kind of cholesterol medication may hurt if you take it with Garlic.

Fenugreek for Cholesterol

Just like many other herbal products, fenugreek can help keep the heart healthy. It is said that it can help keep heart conditions ok. And it can also improve heart health as it helps control high blood pressure.

Experts say that this may be because Febugreek has 48 per cent dietary fibre. Experts also say that this kind of fibre is hard to digest, which is why it makes a viscous gel in the intestines. This leads to harder digestion of fats and sugars.

Basil for Lowering Blood Pressure

Another cholesterol treatment with unani medicine in Pakistan can help reduce blood pressure. The experts say that it contains Eugenol that can help keep the blood pressure ok. Experts also say that this substance can block calcium channels in the body. And this leads to a reduction in blood pressure that can help treat heart issues for someone.

Pumpkin Seeds for Heart

Pumpkin seeds can help with high cholesterol treatment. The experts say that Pumpkin Seeds contain a high amount of Potassium and it can help treat heart issues. Therefore, if you wish to keep your heart healthy, you can try using them for a healthier heart. Experts also say that if you use these seeds, they can help keep your heart healthy. To be precise, these seeds contain anti-oxidants that can help keep the heart healthy. One more thing is that Pumpkin seeds can help provide a lot of Potassium. To be precise, a single bowl of Pumpkin Seeds would be enough to provide 16 per cent of the Potassium needs of a day.

Dandelion For Reducing Cholesterol

Dandelion is one of the herbs that can help. It is one of the high cholesterol home remedies that work well. And so this herb can help reduce cholesterol levels that would bring a difference in heart health. Experts also say that this is one of the herbs to lower cholesterol quickly. It can help reduce the liver fat that would help the overall cholesterol level in the body.

Artichoke Leaf extract

The experts say that the Artichoke leaf extract can help lower cholesterol. It is said that the extract of this leaf would help limit the synthesis of cholesterol in the liver. This would lead to a reduction in the cholesterol levels of the body. And this would lead to perfection in heart issues that would lead to better heart health.

The experts also say that the extract from this herb would help with cynarine. They say that this component contains this one that would help increase the bile production in the body. This would allow a flow of bile that would increase the excretion of cholesterol from the body.

Symptoms of High Cholesterol Levels

High cholesterol levels can give you different types of heart issues. There are things that would hurt you as symptoms. And this includes:

  • You can have angina in this condition that would give you some pain

  • People would feel extreme fatigue in this condition that would make it difficult to do daily tasks

  • High cholesterol would also lead to issues like shortness of breath, pain in the abdomen, back, or neck. Sometimes you would feel numbness in the body and coldness too. The last two symptoms would come in extreme conditions.


What is the name of the best herbal products for cholesterol?

There are different medicines from Ajmal. Pk, that can help treat health issues. You can use medicines, like:

  • Qalb e rawa’n

  • Arq e chob chini

  • Chob chini hans klaa’n

There are many other medicines from Ajmal that work like miracles, and you can use them.

What are the best herbal products for cholesterol from Hamard?

There are different medicines from Hamdard that can help with cholesterol issues. There are medicines like Khameera Abraham and khameera marwareed khas.

What are the reasons for high cholesterol levels in the body?

The reason for high cholesterol in the body may be too much of a cholesterol diet.


High cholesterol may become a chronic disease if you do not pay attention. There are different herbal ways to get rid of it. There are different types of herbal products that can help in this. There are things like: Pumpkin seeds, flax seeds, fenugreek, Dandelion, and Holy Basil that can help in this condition. There are different herbal products for cholesterol that could get rid of high blood cholesterol. It can help you stay healthy that you can use. There are different herbs that can help you get results in this category. Therefore, you must try using them for the best results in heart health.

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